Case Study

 LexisNexis – Legal Solutions Provider.

Lexis Nexis

Increasing their online presence, branding, and leads.


LexisNexis is a worldwide legal solutions provider that is well-known for its legal research platform and workflow solutions for law practitioners.

While LexisNexis’ legal tools are still considered authoritative in the industry, they are facing challenges in SEA where their target market prefers to use search engines like Google for their legal research and they do not perceive the value of their legal solutions and database.


Mogul Works Asia proposed and utilized highly-customized targeting through online touchpoints like LinkedIn, Google, and Facebook, along with optimized ad formats, creatives, and copy that reflects the pains of doing self-research while highlighting the smart advantages of their AI-powered legal research and workflow tools.

The campaign turned out success

40% decrease in cost per acquisition. 2~3% average conversion rate. >6M ad impressions. >36K clicks to website. 4~5x more leads.

Our methodology helped to bring in quality traffic to their website and social pages, which naturally led to increased ad campaign leads for their various solutions as well.

During the period, besides increased online traffic and brand/product awareness, we managed to reduce their cost per acquisition by 40%, as well as gaining 4~5x more leads on average.